Expert Writing Coaches,

On Your Time

Easily book personalized virtual coaching sessions from leading experts in written communication prioritizing clarity and concision.

  • Writing your performance review? Level up the story of your successes and challenges.

  • Building a strategic plan? Deliver a sharp, nuanced outline that resonates with leadership.

  • Delivering complex technical knowledge to non-technical teams? Refine your story and translate your language to be accessible to any team.

Our Writing Coaches

  • Brandon Brown (he/him)


    I work with scientists, engineers, and those reliant on them to distill, clarify, and empower communications.

    I particularly enjoy helping technologists empathize with audiences and elevating the central stories of their work.

  • Marilyn DeLaure (she/her)


    I work with people seeking to hone their messaging and craft clear, concise prose.

    I specialize in coaching people on writing performance reviews and strategy docs, and I’m an experienced copy editor.

  • Max DeLaure


    I help people sharpen their messaging with an emphasis on clarity and concision.

    I specialize in performance reviews, persuasion, storytelling, and summarizing high level strategy documents.

Unsure who to book?

Reach out to us and we’ll connect you with the right coach.